‘Nothing New Under the Sun’: transcending the time
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Humanity in progress, the endless pursuit of knowledge, the finite attainment of contentment


Anyone who would wish for some ‘extra’ time in their quest to give meaning to their existence, well in the wisdom of Solomon we find clues to finding this ‘hidden treasure’ . Indeed, the son of David invites us to transcend time cycles and understand the deep connection between past, present and future. “Nothing new under the Sun”, only by fully understanding this perspective will we be favoured in being able to elevate our earthly experience. Time for those who believe is never limited to this reality, rather, it extends throughout the entire course of creation, recognising the importance of one’s actions not only in the ‘here and now’, but also in the future, when our Soul will continue to exist.

A timeless wisdom

The future is therefore not a separate entity, but is inextricably linked to the present. The decisions we make today shape our tomorrow, thus leaving a lasting legacy in Creation. In the same way, the past has played a crucial role in defining who we are in the present: the product of our previous experiences, those that have led us to this exact moment. Our sweat and tribulation has already happened, and we have already overcome it, growing, this is the conviction that propels the believer to ever higher heights.

King Solomon, the much-lauded sage of the past, managed to pass on a profound legacy to us through his writings. One of his best-known concepts suggests to us that everything that exists is part of a cyclic pattern, continually repeating itself in various forms. By carefully examining this concept and the philosophy associated with it, we are able to grasp more precisely the intrinsic nature of time, the fundamental essence of life. These ‘temporal bonds’ make us wiser in our daily decisions and, consequently, enable us to gain discernment. To be happy we must fulfil our responsibility, the responsibility we have for our own destiny and that of future generations. We must aspire to transcend the boundaries of time to rise to a broader understanding of our role in the great ‘Design’ of human existence.

[perfectpullquote align=”right” bordertop=”false” cite=”” link=”” color=”#4476a5″ class=”” size=”18″]Time is just an illusion. Past, present and future are part of the same essence…. You have existed, you are still alive today and will continue to exist. Each Soul ‘reaps’ and inherits what it has ‘sown’ and deserved in previous existences. [/perfectpullquote]

Analysing time relativity

To fully understand King Solomon’s concept and apply it to benefit the present, we must embrace the concept of ‘temporal relativity’, arguing that past, present and future are interconnected and part of the ‘same continuum’. Time, therefore, is not a linear progression, but rather an eternal cycle, with events and experiences repeating themselves in different forms. Recognising the interconnectedness of time can help us appreciate the underlying patterns and structures that govern existence.

The most famous theory of relativity, the theory of time, revolutionised the way we conceive of time and space. Einstein challenged our intuitions and challenged classical conceptions. According to the theory of special relativity, time does not flow uniformly for all observers, but is influenced by speed and gravity. When an object moves at speeds close to that of light, time appears to slow down for the moving observer compared to the stationary observer, a phenomenon known as time dilation. But Einstein’s general relativity extends these further by linking the curvature of space-time to the presence of mass and energy. In the presence of an intense gravitational field, such as that generated by a massive celestial body, time slows down with respect to an observer far from that gravitational source. This effect, called ‘gravitational redshift’, has important implications for both theoretical physics and astronomy.

Thus, science also proves that time is not an absolute quantity, but depends on the specific conditions of the observer and the environment. This discovery has profound implications for the way we perceive reality and understand our place in the universe, emphasising the interconnectedness of time, space and matter.
Although Einstein’s elativity theory focuses on the material effects that speed and gravity have on time, another hypothesis cannot be ruled out, namely that thought can also influence time. Our experience of ‘time’ is entirely subjective, varying depending on the circumstances and the state of mind we are in, and so when we are involved in pleasurable or stimulating activities, time seems to flow faster, while in situations of boredom or discomfort, time appears to dilate. This perception therefore alters time itself, and although it would not seem to have a direct impact on physical reality, as in Einstein’s theories, it reveals how our mind is able to modulate its experience of the ‘passing of the hands’. Time takes on an ‘elastic’ quality, which can be stretched or contracted based on our emotions and thoughts. Scenarios in which our ability to perceive and manipulate time could be expanded, perhaps through meditation, prayer, or the use of technologies that stimulate specific brain areas, cannot be ruled out. In this way, we might be able to experience time more consciously and intentionally, adapting our perception to different situations in life. We cannot actually manipulate physical time, but we can change the way we experience it. Imagine a world in which we are able to expand the moments of joy and shorten the moments of suffering, fully embracing the moments of happiness and facing the difficult ones with resilience, while always trying to live in harmony with the flow of time.

Rediscovering continuity

Despite the ever-changing forms of events and experiences, fundamentally one underlying essence remains constant. This essence can be understood as the fundamental principles or values that shape our world. By identifying these enduring elements, we can better understand the cyclical nature of existence and the lessons it holds. Recognising continuity in the midst of apparent ‘change’ allows us to develop a deeper understanding of our lives and the world around us, ultimately fostering wisdom and growth.

Recognising the cyclical nature of existence, we transcend conventional patterns of ‘being’. But the ultimate goal of this transcendence of time cycles remains the evolution of human consciousness. Embracing King Solomon’s wisdom and applying it to everyday life increases gratitude, compassion and empathy towards ourselves and others. This shift in consciousness has the potential to transform not only our individual experiences, but also the collective human experience. Through the exploration and application of these timeless concepts, we are inspired to work together to elevate humanity to new heights.


Past, present and future are interwoven as elements of a single, unified essence, forming the drape of our existence as we traverse the dimensions of time. Moments in our past have shaped us into who we are today, and the concept of soul immortality and transmigration, called Gilgul in Judaism, further reinforces this inherent connection between what has been and what will be. Every decision, step and even single thought in the present is the result of lessons learned and knowledge gained, while the future looms on the horizon as a realm of infinite potential.

Our existence transcends temporal boundaries, as we weave our unique narratives in the vast expanse of human history, we leave an indelible imprint on the ever-evolving fabric of reality. Instead of wishing for more time, we should focus on how best to live each moment of our existence, making the most of every opportunity that comes our way, with the conviction that the believer’s Spirit will rise again in a better body after death if proven right.

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