Cassino – Jerusalem: Day 84 Sertavul Yaylasy

Departure: Karaman (Turkey) – 10:15 am
Arrival: Sertavul Yaylasy
Weather: Rainy/fog
Distance of the day: 37,18 Km
Progressive km: 2488,9

Moving Time: 6h 41m
Elevation gain:  751 mt

Weigh the path of your feet, and all your ways will be established. Turn neither to the right nor to the left, keep your feet away from evil.
(Book of Proverbs 4, 26-27)

[…] The Sertavul mountain pass was right on the border between the provinces of Karaman and Mersin, the last one I would cross.From that moment on to Tasucu, the conformation of the territory would change drastically, and also the climate would begin to be influenced by the mildness that only the quiet of the south of the Mediterranean Sea confers. […]




The story of day 84 continues in the book




Gpx Track Day 84

Total distance: 23.15 mi
Max elevation: 5423 ft
Min elevation: 3409 ft
Total climbing: 2563 ft
Total descent: -1382 ft
Average speed: 1.58 m/s
Total time: 07:10:27

Photo and Video contents of Day 84 available on the e-book

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