Cassino – Jerusalem: Day 15 Spinazzola

Co-Cathedral of St. Andrew

Departure: Venosa – 08:29 am
Arrival: Spinazzola
Weather: Sunny
Distance of the day: Km 30,36
Progressive km: 434,9

Moving Time: 6h 05m
Elevation gain:  324 mt

“If a man knows not to which port he sails, no wind is favorable.”
(Lucius Annaeus Seneca)

[…] I continued my journey through the magnificent city of Venosa, another station along the Via Appia that during the times of the Empire allowed pilgrims to facilitate their journey from the city of Rome to Brindisi. This was not only one of the first real roads to be built, but it remained over the centuries as one of the most important links in the ancient world. It strategically cut through the peninsula, connecting the capital of the Empire with the largest port in the south, where not only soldiers and merchants set sail, but also the faithful on their way to the Holy Land. […]

The ancient Roman Appian Way (Via Appia Antica)




The story of day 15 continues in the book




Gpx Track Day 15

Total distance: 18.87 mi
Max elevation: 1467 ft
Min elevation: 919 ft
Total climbing: 1370 ft
Total descent: -1316 ft
Average speed: 1.57 m/s
Total time: 07:40:34

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