Abrahamic Religions: Similarity & Comparision
Abrahamic Religions currently there are about 3.4 billion believers in the world, and this according to 2020 statistics, corresponds to about 56% of the entire world population.
They are widely spread in all areas of the World, starting from the Western regions as well as those of Southeast Asia.
Together, and without considering the other minor Abrahamic religions, they form the largest ethnic group ever recorded in the history of mankind.
Those monotheistic religions of West Asian origin, emphasizing and tracing their common origin to the Patriarch Abraham and mostrly of their Holy Scriptures and beliefs in common. The largest Abrahamic religions in chronological order of founding are Judaism, Christianity and Islam.
Among the common points of connection between the Abrahamic Religions, besides the mutual descendence from Abraham, there is the “Golden Rule”, also called “Ethics of Reciprocity”, essential basis for the modern concept of human rights:
Rabbi Hillel (Shabbat 31a): “do not do unto others what you do not want others do to you”
Jesus (Mt 7,12 ; Lc 6,31): “do to others as you would have them do to you”
Muhammad (40 ʾaḥādīthe di an-Nawawi 13): “none of you is a believer until he desires for his brother what he desires for himself”