Departure: Istanbul (Turkey) – 03:58 pm
Arrival: Idealtepe
Weather: Coudy/raining
Distance of the day: (Karakoy-Kadikoi by ferry) + 12,42 Km
Progressive km: 1816,1
Moving Time: 2h 04m
Elevation gain: 114 mt
Did He not find you an orphan and protect you? Did he not find you lost and guide you? Find you in need and made free from need? Therefore, do not oppress the orphans, and him who asks drive not away. Proclaim your Lord’s mercy.
(Quran 93, 6-11)
The story of day 64 continues in the book
Gpx Track Day 64
Max elevation: 98 ft
Min elevation: -3 ft
Total climbing: 478 ft
Total descent: -448 ft
Average speed: 1.73 m/s
Total time: 02:15:51