286 GOD [note a]does not burden a Soul beyond that it can bear. [note b]
It will have [the consequence of] what [good] it has gained, and it will bear [the consequence of] what [evil] it has earned.
“Our LORD [note c], do not impose blame upon us if we have forgotten or erred. Our LORD, and lay not upon us a burden like that which You laid upon those before us.[note d]
Our LORD, and burden us not with that which we have no ability to bear.
And pardon us; and forgive us; and have mercy upon us. You are our Protector, so give us victory over the disbelieving people.[note e]”
(Surah 2, Al Baqarah)
286 Laa yukalliful-laahu nafsan illaa wus’ahaa;
lahaa maa kasabat wa ‘alaihaa maktasabat;
Rabbanaa la tu’aakhiznaa in naseenaaa aw akhtaanaa;
Rabbanaa wa laa tahmil-‘alainaaa isran kamaa hamaltahoo ‘alal-lazeena min qablinaa;
Rabbanaa wa laa tuhammilnaa maa laa taaqata lanaa bih wa’fu ‘annaa waghfir lanaa warhamnaa;
Anta mawlaanaa fansurnaa ‘alal qawmil kaafireen
[note a] In Arabic language ALLAH
[note b] It could also be translated as “beyond its possibilities/capabilities”
[note c] “LORD” in Arabic language (Rabbanà) that comes from the triletteral root rā bā bā (ر ب ب).
[note d] “Those before us”: many Muslim commentators of the Quran believe that these ancestors to which the verse refers are specifically the Israelites. Much deeper instead the Holy Quran that simply pushes the transferor to make a “comparision” between his own life (of tribulations) and that of the patriarchs and his own ancestors. Anyone who has traveled the land before us surely found himself in situations much more complex than today (this is the result of evolution, just think of the greater access to food, personal freedom, gender equality, welfare at work, and many other progress overall achieved).
[note e] People that does not believe in GOD
The believer has true faith in what he has received and receives every day from his LORD, both pleasant things, but also unpleasant ones. Often the latter are revealed, with the passage of time, not all of a good (which contribute to achieving the ultimate good) for those who have faith in GOD and for those who are far-sighted and sufficiently patient. Anyone who has faith in GOD, in His angels, in His Books and in His messengers “receives and obeys” because he is aware that the CREATOR has as its ultimate goal the well-being of the individual and of the entire creation. The forgiveness of GOD will be the “return” in the Garden, and to reach that Day, the LORD does not charge the soul of a task beyond his abilities, as He only wants to strengthen the believers and never “crush” them.
Everyone will have what they have earned (the rightly retribution), but they will repent of what they have not accomplished according to the Commandments. The righteouss prayer of the faithful elevates to GOD through humility, being aware that not everything they will be able to “remember to accomplish” (“forgotten or erred”) and certainly making mistakes as imperfect creatures.
The prayer of this verse continues asking GOD not to place a burden on believers like the one he put on our ancestors, burdening them with famines, maletties, abuses and certainly greater wars than today’s ones.
“Our LORD, and burden us not with that which we have no ability to bear.” Forgive us, and have mercy on us, since You are our Patron (protector), therefore help us against the unbelievers people, those who do not believe in GOD, and therefore in love (the sinners). This is a declaration of the greatness and mercy of GOD, pointing out what is written at the beginning of the Sura of the “opener“: “Praise be to GOD“.
Therefore the true believer trusts in what was sent to him by his GOD, and remains in peace and steadfast in the prayer of thanks even if he considers it minimal or not sufficient for his well-being. This is praise, and the Prophet clarifies and explains these rules and this Covenant, delivering the message to the faithful, that is, those who recognize, accept and remain steadfast in faith, in love and in peace before all the vicissitudes, continuing to see the signs of the power of GOD.